About us...
Orissa is the one State in the whole of India which has the largest number of aspirants turned to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Ideology. The influence of this ideology has been noticed since 1949 with the starting of a Sri Aurobindo Study Circle at Rairangpur of Mayurbhanj District of Orissa started with the permission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. -this number has shot up to more than 10,000 currently with Students’, Youth, Women’s wings as well across the length and breadth of the Province. These numbers are increasing almost daily ….There are around 530 Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centres in this State. There are 73 Relics Shrines with sacred Relics of Sri Aurobindo in this State which have been received by State Honour. There are numerous such centres installed throughout the State-and are increasing by the day-
The organizational work has been guided by the visionary Sri Ramakrishna Das who was originally a disciple of Mauni Baba of Ayodhya and was himself a siddha in ‘Ram Tarak’ Mantra. He eventually arrived at the Feet of Sri Aurobindo in 1945 and pursued Their Yoga of Transformation. Sri Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, the then Director of Department of Physical Education, also guided the activities in Orissa for 10 years from 1998 to 2008, after the passing on of Sri Ramakrishna Das, until he left his body 2008.
Since then all organizational activities are done with consensus of all members of an All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle Committee with State level, Zonal level, District level, Block level convenors. Currently our organization is attempting to reach out to the community MotherSriAurobindo’s Consciousness in order to ‘make life perfect with a divine perfection’, into the society through 10 avenues named as “Dasakarmadharas”.
One of these avenues is Sri Aurobindo Medical Association founded in 1976 as an outgrowth of the Sri Aurobindo Students Association of S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack. In this forum several activities including Annual State level, Zonal level conferences on different aspects of Health and Healing envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been taken up. Themes have ranged from ‘Foundations of Health’, ‘Causes of Illness’, ‘Ageing’, ‘Transformation’, ‘Death’, ‘Adolescence’, ‘Enlightened Motherhood’ holistic dealings with different systems like Skin, Eyes, Oral cavity, Skeletal system, Respiratory System, Diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes all have been dealt holistically from modern and alternative medicines to spiritual aspects …. we try to reach out to the masses through the Sri Aurobindo Centres of the State.
Dr.A.S.Dalal, an experienced Clinical Psychologist but more so an exponent of Sri Aurobindo’s Thought and Yoga, Sadhak of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, is presently our Chief Mentor and Advisor.
Other activities taken up are running the Sri Aurobindo Institute of Integral Health and Research (SAIIHR) which caters to fourth dimension of healing in addition to modern medicine, yoga, acupressure, homoeopathy and ayurveda;. Annual training programs in “Sri Aurobindo Primary Integral Health Awareness” are being conducted since 2001 to impart this awareness at the grassroots.
“Integrated School Health programs” are conducted in a few schools adopted involving parent-teacher-pupil interaction Presently projects such as “Growing with the Ageless”, “Aspiring Adolescent”, “Preparing for a New Creation” “Enlightened and Safe Motherhood” are also being taken up at the SAIIHR.